Contact us

CALL  +372 626 8700
VISIT  Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia

Today, every business is a digital business

Smart companies not only manage cyber risks, but use them as a source of growth and an advantage for their business.

With us, you are always ahead of the game – we support companies in ensuring cyber security, planning and managing information security, implementing cyber defence measures and ensuring business continuity.

Mihkel Kukk

Head of Cyber Security,, +372 521 4332

Provide a safe and sustainable business environment for your company. We help build a resilient and reliable digital landscape, even in the face of changing threats.

KPMG Baltics OÜ

+372 626 8700
Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
KPMG Baltics KPMG Global Privaatsuspoliitika
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Analysis of employee awareness

Analysis of employee awareness focuses on mapping the skills and increasing the competencies of the weakest link in cyber security: the users, the employees.

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Threat assessment

Threat assessment is a tactical and technical service that allows a company to get a quick overview of external threats.

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Maturity assessment

Maturity assessment helps plan IT investments and design further steps to mitigate vulnerabilities and ensure better security.

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